Bromsgrove Balti Guide

If you haven't read my Balti Cusine -R.I.P. page then you need to have a quick look at that to put the rest of this page into perspective!  The loss of my favourite curry house is still causing me pain years later...  But you've got to carry on haven't you?  Here I present my thoughts on the town's curry houses as I still try to cope with my loss.

All scores are out of ten.  Why is there a score for the loo?  Well, there is a school of thought that the cleaner the loo, the cleaner the kitchen.  And Posh Factor?  Depends what you're after.  I like my curry houses rough 'n' ready (i.e. a low score) but that's beacuse I'm a regular curry goer and don't want to spend money on unnecessary frills.  But if a curry is a rare treat then you may prefer something a little more upmarket.

India Spice
Spice Valley Balti
Shimla Peppers
Mint Lounge

India Spice

formerly Brilliant Balti
India Spice

Taste Level 8
Posh Factor 6
Licensed? No
Toilet Quality 8
Where is it!? 7 High Street

After the closure of the Balti Cuisine in 2001, the Brilliant Balti became my favoured location for a big dish of curry mopped up with a naan.  In 2006, it changed its name to India Spice and had a minor makeover but the menu and staff remained the same and that, I assure, is a good thing.

Inside it's small and rather cramped so getting a table maybe a problem on a busy night.  Decoration is nice and the service is good.  As it's unlicensed then remember to bring your own drinks.  If you forget them there's always Bamboozled in Worcester Road.

In conclusion I have to say this is my favourite place for a Balti in town so please give it try.  The highlight of the menu for me is Balti Chicken Capsila - yum!


Taste Level 8
Posh Factor 9
Licensed? Yes
Toilet Quality 8
Where is it!? 1 Worcester Road

Update Oct 2013:  It was remiss of me to never get around to updating this page to say that the Tamanna became Bujon in 2011.  It was a really nice place, following the style of it's predecessor.  Sadly, it closed in July 2013, no doubt a victim of the recession and the local council's ridiculous parking policy, charging until 10pm, 7 days a week...

Formerly known as The Balti Garden, the Tammana was one of the first curry houses in the town to get a major makeover.  The interior is modern and bright and the service is good.  The menu is the big problem for me - there are so any great tasting chef's specials that I struggle to decide what to eat!  Comments from friends who've visited have been favourable and it certainly seems to be a popular place these days.

Balti dishes are now a small section of the menu so if that's what your after it's probably better off looking elsewhere.

Despite my aversion to posh curry houses I'm pleased to say that I like Tamanna - in fact it's my favourite restaurant for a special curry night.

Spice Valley Balti

Taste Level 3
Posh Factor 9
Licensed? No
Toilet Quality 7
Where is it!? 74 Worcester Road

The Spice Valley.  Hmmm...  I guess I'll never get over the shock of my favourite curry house having an overnight makeover.  From rough 'n' ready with the tastiest food you're likely to find this side of Bangladesh to an upmarket, overpriced and overposh place with boring food in one step.

I'm not going to be accused of not giving this place a go though.  I'd been going to 74 Worcester Road for my curry treat for 4 years and I wasn't about to stop just like that.  The presentation and service was really good.  And some of the starters were quite nice too.  But the reason I was eating starters was a bad one.  Two papadums + chutneys were £1.30.  Might aswell have an onion pakora for £1.85.  And in the days in The Balti Cuisine your papadums and chutneys were free!

I tried at least 8 different main courses and only found one that I wanted to try again.  And when I did have it again?  Disappointment.  A strong taste of tomato puree dominated the flavour ruining it totally.  And it was not just me who felt the food was a let down.  Two of my regular curry going friends said the same.  All three of us have not been back for several years and feel that that is no great loss to us.

I dare say there are lots of people who would enjoy The Spice Valley experience.  It's just not for me.  If you value presentation over flavour then please feel free to pay it a visit.  Just don't expect to see me in there!


Taste Level 5
Posh Factor 6
Licensed? Yes
Toilet Quality 4
Where is it!? 11 Crown Close

The Tandoori is commonly known to long term Bromsgrovians as 'The Woodman' as it used to have a wooden man stood outside.  The fact he hasn't been there for a number of years doesn't seem to matter to anyone.  But what's this!!  He's back!  They've dug him out of the loft and dusted him down.  The fact he has turned out to be paper mache is a bit of a disappointment but you can't have everything.

The place itself must once have been quite a posh place to go for a curry.  A good curry house award is proudly displayed on the wall even though it dates back to the early 80's!  Presentation wise it seems to have been resting on its laurels ever since.

Near the entrance are tables to wait until your order is taken and you are shown into the main restaurant.  Sometime there is bombay mix to nibble on and sometimes there isn't.  You are near the bar too so drinks usually come quickly.  

Once seated the neglect over recent years is clear.  Cobwebs, dust and dirty curtains are the order of the day.  And the loos leave a fair bit to be desired too.

I used to rate the Tandoori quite highly but I found I was visiting it less and less, preferring the Tamanna.  In October 2006 I overheard a conversation in the Hop Pole where someone said it had got back to its old standard.  A visit soon after disappointed.  The bombay mix in the waiting area was stale, the once delicious mint yoghurt had been watered down and my Chicken Ceylon was artificially spicy.  The only good thing to say was that the menu hadn't changed at all so the prices were good - we bought a bottle of wine for £7.95!

I still have a soft spot for the Tandoori.  It has an atmosphere like no other curry house in the town.  I hope it picks up soon.

Shimla Peppers
Shimla Peppers picture

Taste Level 6
Posh Factor 8
Licensed? No
Toilet Quality 8
Where is it!? 1 George Street

What a shock the Shimla Peppers was!  There had always been 4 curry houses in town and that's the ways I always expected it to be.  Then, in early December 2002, a new one appeared from nowhere.  Well, from the back of the old Norman Vine store actually...

Initial feelings were positive.  The staff included a very friendly guy from the Brilliant Balti and the decor was nice without being over the top.  It is the only curry house that caters for the disabled with ramps throughout and a proper disabled toilet.

But never mind all that - what about the food!?  Well, after many visits I have to say I'm a bit disappointed.  There are a few dishes (I'm thinking Syhelty Garlic Chicken and Chicken Korai) that are really tasty but many I've tried - and I have tried many - never live up to the description and tend to leave me feeling cheated.  Enough moaning though, both venue and food are good and I guess I just like my curries with a bit more taste.  If you don't, you'll find this a good place to eat.

Mint Lounge

Mint Lounge

Taste Level 9
Posh Factor 10
Licensed? No
Toilet Quality 10
Where is it!? 33 Birmingham Road

My first visit to the Mint Lounge was on my 41st birthday.  It was a Sunday night and the place had been open for a couple of weeks.  The timing meant that it was quiet and the teething problems had been ironed out.

First impressions were very good.  The place is very flash!  Service was good and the food tasty.  A second visit several months later showed the Mint Lounge was very popular and my food was once again superb.  However, Claire was disappointed as her vegitarian dish (it was a Shahi or a Chasni) was very sugary - I tried it and it was really OTT with sweetness.  The place was so busy that when our plates were taken no one asked us how our food had been so we never got the chance to register our concerns.

I think the lack of a license may hurt the Mint Lounge but if you're organsised enough to take a bottle of wine with you then you can have an excellent meal at a very good price.

I think it's a bit too flash for my tastes but it will be used for special meals out, that's for sure!

At the time of writing, the Mint Lounge website is a bit of a hoot!  It's basically a rip off of this site.  I also like the title bar of the browser window - "Welcome to the Mint Lunge..."!