Fat Mark of Bromsgrove


Why Fat Mark of Bromsgrove?  Well, I moved to Bromsgrove in 1991.  It was a purely logical choice at the time with my family and friends in Birmingham and my work in Worcester.  Since moving to Bromsgrove I have come to really like the place.  I can't fully explain it.  It just seems to be the right size for a start.  You're not lost in the urban sprawl of a big city and you're also don't feel like everyone knows your business, as you would in a small village.  Its sense of history also appeals to someone of my tastes and I enjoy nothing more than a stroll up the High Street on a Saturday afternoon.

With my increasing level in contentment and the onset of my thirties came an expanding wasteline.  As I discovered the delights of many of the town's pubs and curry houses this growth continued.  From an overly slim 11st 7lbs in 1991 I grew to more rotund 15st+ by 2001.  And thus I became Fat Mark of Bromsgrove...

I'm lucky enough to have met and married a lovely local girl who I now share a home with on the north side of townClaire was born and bred in Bromsgrove, educated at local schools and is able to walk to her job in the town.  She sometimes finds it hard to understand why I should have such an affinity for the place that she just sees as home.

Within these pages I hope you find something of interest or something to entertain.  In the true sad, spirit of homepages there is alot of me here.  If you find it boring then please feel free to leave.  If you find it interesing or useful then drop me an e-mail.  I'd like to hear from you.

Bromsgrove's Hidden Gem...

When I saw a sign in the window of the old Lily Langtry's coffee shop back in May 2015 saying that a tapas bar was going to be opening there, I remember saying to Claire, "It'll never last".  I'm delighted to have been proved wrong!  It was obvious from our first visit to Casa Med Tapas that the place was special and every visit since has backed that up.  Not only that, but everyone we've taken along has been as impressed as us.

Casa Med Tapas by night

I might still enjoy eating in Prezzo and Pizza Express, but it has to be Casa Med for that special night out!  And it's not just me that thinks this - check out this 5* review.

What's here?

Guide to Bromsgrove
Bromsgrove Pubs (Updated Jun '18)
Bromsgrove Balti Guide
Balti Cuisine - R.I.P.
Cider Makes Yer Belly Wider!
The Local Rag
Bromsgrove Markets
Mad Max
Bromsgrove Gripes

Last updated Thursday 28 Jun 2018

Mail me if you've nothing better to do...